Thursday, January 31, 2008

Unit 1, Lessons 7-9

Unit 1, Lesson 7

(-ka at the end of a sentence denotes the inquisitive; specifically, it changes the statement into a question) Hai = Yes. Iie = No.
(Also, literally a lot of these are things like "is fish white" but I added "that" for my ease of reading. The word for "that" appears later on)
sakana wa shiroi desu ka. Hai, shiroi desu. - Is that fish white? Yes, white.
kuruma wa shiroi desu ka. Hai, shiroi desu. - Is that car white? Yes, white
kuruma wa akai desu ka. Hai, akai desu. - Is that car red? Yes, red.
tori wa akai desu ka. Hai, akai desu. - Is that bird red? Yes, red.
hikooki wa shiroi desu ka. Hai, shiroi desu. - Is that plane white? Yes, white.
hikooki wa shiroi desu ka. iie, kiiroi desu. - Is that plane white? No, yellow.
kuruma wa kiiroi desu ka. iie, shiroi desu. - Is that car yellow? No, white.
kuruma wa kiiroi desu ka. hai, kiiroi desu. - Is that car yellow? Yes, yellow.

"arimasen" implies a negative, or can be used to inquire to the negative
sono = "that"
kuruma wa akai desu ka. iie, sono kuruma wa akaku wa arimasen. sono kuruma wa kiiroi desu. - Is that car red? No, that car is not red. That car is yellow.
kuruma wa shiroi desu ka. hai, shiroi desu. - Is that car white? Yes, white.
kuruma wa shiroi desu ka. iie, sono kuruma wa shiroku wa arimasen. sono kuruma wa aoi desu. - Is that car white? No, that car is not white. That car is blue.

kuruma wa aoi desu ka. hai, aoi desu. - Is that car blue? Yes, blue.
kuruma wa aoi desu ka. iie, aoku wa arimasen. kiiroi desu. - Is that car blue? No, not blue. Yellow.
neko wa shiroi desu ka. iie, shiroku wa arimasen. kuroi desu. - Is that car white? No, not white. Black.
kuruma wa kuroi desu ka. iie, sono kuruma wa kuroku wa arimasen. sono kuruma wa pinku desu. - Is that car black? No, that car is not black. That car is pink.

midori no kuruma wa furoi desu ka. hai, midori no kuruma wa furui desu. - Is that green car old? Yes, that green car is old.
pinku no kuruma wa atarashii desu ka. iie, atarashii wa arimasen. - Is that pink car new? No, not new.
kuroi kuruma wa furui desu ka. iie, furuku wa arimasen. atarashii desu. - Is the black car old? No, not old. New.
akai kuruma wa furui desu ka. iie, furuku wa arimasen. - Is the red car old? No, not old.

Kono = "this". ie = "house". ue (in this case) = above / over / on top of / up / upper part
"imasen" is a shortened version of "arimasen" and will mean the same thing. It changes depending on use.
kuruma wa furui desu ka. hai, furui desu. - Is the car old? Yes, old.
kuruma wa furui desu ka. iie, furuku wa arimasen. - Is the car old? No, not old.
kono ie no ue ni otokonohito ga imasu ka. hai, imasu. - Is this man on top of the house? Yes.
kono ie no ue ni otokonohito ga imasu ka. iie, imasen. - Is this man on top of the house? No.

onnanohito wa hashitte imasu ka. hai, hashitte imasu. - Is the woman running? Yes, running.
onnanohito wa hashitte imasu ka. iie, hashitte imasen. - Is the woman running? No, not running.
onnanohito tachi wa hashitte imasu ka. hai, hashitte imasu. - Are the women running? Yes, running.
onnanohito tachi wa hashitte imasu ka. iie, hashitte imasen. - Are the women running? No, not running.

otokonoko wa tonde imasu ka. hai, tonde imasu. - Is the boy jumping? Yes, jumping.
otokonoko tachi wa tonde imasu ka. hai, tonde imasu. Are the boys jumping? Yes, jumping.
otokonoko wa tonde imase ka. iie, tonde imasen. - Is the boy jumping? No, not jumping.
otokonoko tachi wa tonde imasu ka. iie, tonde imasen. - Are the boys jumping. No, not jumping.

onnanohito wa suwatte imasu ka. hai, suwatte imasu. - Is the woman sitting? Yes, sitting.
onnanohito tachi wa suwatte imasu ka. iie, suwatte imasen. - Are the women sitting? No, not sitting.
onnanohito tachi wa suwatte imasu ka. hai, suwatte imasu. - Are the women sitting? Yes, sitting.
onnanohito wa suwatte imasu ka. iie, suwatte imasen. - Is the woman sitting? No, not sitting.

kare = he / boyfriend (in this example, "he"). kanojo = "she", but also girlfriend/sweetheard in other uses.
tabete = eat/eating
kare wa tabete imasu ka. hai, tabete imasu. - Is he eating? Yes, eating.
kanojo wa tabete imasu ka. hai, tabete imasu. - Is she eating? Yes, eating.
kare wa tabete imasu ka. iie, tabete imasen. - Is he eating? No, not eating.
kanojo wa tabete imasu ka. iie, tabete imasen. - Is she eating? No, not eating.

Unit 1, Lesson 8

kudamono = fruit
gyuunyuu = (cow's) milk
niku = meat
pan = bread
nonde = drink
mizu = water
ninjin = carrot / ginseng

otokonohito wa tabete imasu - The man is eating
otokonohito wa nonde imasu - The man is drinking
onnanohito wa tabete imasu - The woman is eating
onnanohito wa nonde imasu - The woman is drinking

onnanohito to onnanoko wa gyuunyuu o nonde imasu. - The woman and girl are drinking milk.
otokonohito wa mizu o nonde imasu - The man is drinking water.
onnanoko wa gyuunyuu o nonde imasu - The girl is drinking milk.
onnanohito wa gyuunyuu o nonde imase - The woman is drinking milk.

otokonoko wa pan o tabete imasu. - The boy is eating bread.
uma wa ninjin o tabete imasu - The horse is eating a carrot
otokonohito wa tabete imasu - The man is eating
otokonohito wa nonde imasu - The man is drinking

otokonohito wa orenjijuusu o nonde imasu. - The man is drinking orange juice
otokonohito wa gyuunyuu o nonde imasu. - The man is drinking milk
otokonohito wa mizu o nonde imase - The man is drinking water
otokonoko wa pan o tabete ite, onnanoko wa gyuunyuu o nonde imasu. - The boy is eating bread and the girl is drinking milk.

kiiroi banana - Yellow banana
midori no ringo to akai ringo - Green apple and red apple
akai tomato - red tomato
kiiroi chiizu - yellow cheese

akai ichigo - red strawberry
akai budoo - red grape
midori no nashi - green pear (nashi = (Japanese) pear)
kiiroi ringo - yellow apple

ichigo wa tabemono desu - The strawberry is food (tabemono = food)
pan wa tabemono desu - The bread is food
booru wa tabemono dewa arimasen - The ball is not food
booshi wa tabemono dewa arimasen - The hat is not food (booshi = hat)

kago = basket. naka = inside. fukuro = bag. hako = box.
kago no naka ni aru banana - Banana inside a basket
fukuro no naka ni aru pan - Bread inside a bag
hako no naka ni aru ringo - Apple inside a box
kago no naka ni aru tomato - Tomato inside a basket

tabemono no notta teeburu - Food on a table? Or maybe "A table with food"
tabemono no notta inai teeburu - Food not on a table? Or maybe "A table without food"
tabemono no notta sara - Food on a plate? Or maybe "A plate with food"
tabemono no notta inai sara - Food not on a place? Or maybe "A plate without food"

Unit 1, Lesson 9

Takusan = Many/A Lot/Much
shiroi booshi - White hat
kuroi booshi - black hat
takusan no kuroi booshi - Many black hats
takusan no shiroi booshi - many white hats

kuroi booshi to chairo no booshi - black hat and brown hat
ikutsuka no haiiro no booshi - a few grey hats
murasakiiro no booshi - purple hat
shiroi booshi - white hat

For this section, I cannot figure out what "o kite", "o kabutte", "o haite" mean. I think they are different ways of saying they are wearing something. If I'm right, "o kite" is referring to the item worn on the upper torso, "o haite" worn on the legs, and "o kabutte" worn on the head. "kabuto" can refer to a headpiece, so it makes sense.
onnanoko wa shiroi shatsu o kite imasu - The girl is (wearing?) a white shirt
onnanohito wa aoi shatsu o kite imasu - The woman is (wearing?) a blue shirt
onnanohito wa shiroi shatsu o kite imasu - The woman is (wearing) a white shirt
onnanohito wa kuroi booshi o kabutte imasu - The woman is (wearing) a black hat

koi = thick (as of color, liquid) / dense / strong.
otokonohito wa shiroi zubon o haite imasu - The man is (wearing?) white pants
otokonohito tachi wa aoi jiinzu o haite imasu - The men are (wearing?) blue jeans
otokonohito tachi wa koi iro no shatsu o kite, koi iro no zubon o haite imasu. - The men are wearing thick shirts and thick pants. (not sure where "iro" fits in on this one)
onnanohito wa shiroi shatsu o kite, aoi jiinzu o haite imasu - The woman is wearing a white shirt and blue jeans

kooto = coat. reinkooto = raincoat.
onnanohito wa kooto o kite imasen - The woman is not (wearing?) a coat
hitori no onnanohito wa akai reinkooto o kiteite, moo hitori no onnanohito wa murasakiiro no reinkooto o kite imasu. - One woman is (wearing?) a red raincoat, and one woman is (wearing?) a purple raincoat. (YEESH!)
hitori no onnanohito wa kiiroi reinkooto o kiteite, moo hitori no onnanohito wa aoi reinkooto o kite imasu - One woman is wearing a yellow raincoat, and one woman is wearing a blue raincoat.
onnanohito wa kuroi kooto o kite imasu - The woman is wearing a black coat

hitori no otokonoko wa aoi shatsu o kiteite, moo hitori no otokonoko wa akai shatsu o kite imasu - One boy is wearing a blue shirt, and one boy is wearing a red shirt.
onnanohito wa futari tomo aoi shatsu o kite imasu - The women are wearing blue shirts
onnanohito wa shiroi shatsu o kite, kuroi sakaato o haite imasu - The woman is wearing a white shirt and a black skirt.
onnanohito wa shiroi shatsu o kite, aoi jiinzu o haite imasu - The woman is wearing a white shirt, blue jeans.

mizugi = bathing suit. megane = glasses
otokonohito to onnanohito wa mizugi o kite imasu - The man and woman are wearing bathing suits.
otokonohito to onnanohito wa mizugi o kite imasen - The man and woman are not wearing bathing suits.
onnanohito wa megane o kakete imasu - The woman is wearing glasses.
onnanohito wa megane o kakete imasen - The woman is not wearing glasses.

Kutsu = shoes/footwear. katahou = one side. dake = only. issoku = a pair (footwear)
onnanoko wa kutsu o katahou dake haite imasu - The girl is wearing shoes on one side only. (The girl is wearing one shoe)
onnanoko wa kutsu o issoku haite imasu - The girl is wearing a pair of shoes.
otokonoko wa booshi o hitotsu kabutte imasu - The boy is wearing a hat (just thought maybe it's "The boy is wearing a hat on his head"?)
otokonohito wa booshi o futatsu kabutte imasu - The man is wearing two hats (on his head?)

Wampiisu = dress??? (I think...we'll see)
onnanoko tachi wa shiroi shatsu o kite, kuroi sukaato o haite imasu - The girls are wearing white shirts, black shirts.
hitori no onnanoko wa shiroi wampiisu o kite ite, moo hitori no onnanoko wa aka to shiro no wampiisu o kite imasu - One girl is wearing a white dress, and one girl is wearing a red and white dress.
onnanoko tachi wa wampiisu o kite booshi o kabutte imasu - The girls are wearing dresses and hats.
onnanoko tachi wa kuroi zubon o haite imasu - The girls are wearing black pants

Kutsu or Kutsushita = Socks
onnanoko wa kutsushita o haite imasen - The girl is not wearing socks
onnanoko wa shiroi kutsushita o haite imasu - The girl is wearing white socks
otokonoko wa kutsu o haite imasen - The boy is not wearing socks
otokonoka wa kutsu o haite imasu - The boy is wearing socks

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Unit 1, Lessons 4-6

Unit 1, Lesson 4

1 = ichi
2 = ni
3 = san
4 = yon
5 = go
6 = roku
7 = nana
8 = hachi
9 = kyuu
10 = juu
0 = zero
5-6 = go to roku, etc.
3, 3, 3 = san, san, san, etc.

Unit 1, Lesson 5

hitori = alone, one person. Tachi after a proper pronoun designates it as a plural.
hitori no onnanoko - One girl
onnanoko tachi - Girls
hitori no otokonoko - One boy
otokonoko tachi - Boys

hana = flower, ippon = one long thing, nambonka = ?? (Many?)
ippon no hana - One flower
nambonka no hana - Many (?) flowers?

me = eye (or sprout, depending on use), hitotsu = one, futatsu = two
hitotsu no me - One eye
futatsu no me - Two eyes

hitori no onnanohito - One woman
onnanohito tachi - Women
hitori no otokonohito - One man
otokonohito tachi - Men

Kodomo = Child/Children, ippiki = one (small) animal, one animal, two-tan bolt of cloth (hehe)
hitori no kodomo - One child
kodomo tachi - Children
ippiki inu - One dog
nambikika no inu - Dogs

akachan = baby/infant. tamago = egg(s), spawn, roe. ikutsuka = "a few"
hitori no akachan = One baby
akachan tachi = Babies
hitotsu no tamago = One egg
ikutsuka no tamago = A few eggs

tobikonde = "jump in".
otokonoka ga tonde imasu - The boy is jumping/flying
otokonoka tachi ga tobikonde imasu - The boys jumping in
onnanoko ga hashitte imasu - The running girl
Onnanoko tachi ga hashitte imasu - The running girls

otokonohito ga odotte imasu - The man dancing
otokonohito tachi ga odotte imasu - The men dancing
onnanohito ga utatte imasu - The woman singing
onnanohito tachi ga utatte imasu - The women singing

jitensha = bicycle.
jitensha ni notte iru otokonoko - A boy riding (?) a bicycle
jitensha ni notte iru otokonohito tachi - Men riding (?) bicycles
tori ga tonde imasu - A bird flying
nanwaka no tori ga tonde imasu - Many (?) birds flying

kodomo wa suwatte imasu - A child sitting(?)
kodomo tachi wa suwatte imasu - Children sitting(?)
ichidai no jitensha - One bicycle
nandaika no jitensha - Many bicycles? Bicycles?

uma wa aruite imasu - A walking horse
nantooka no uma wa aruite imasu - Many (?) horses walking
kuruma wa shiroi desu - A white car
sorera no kuruma wa shiroi desu - Those white cars (over there)

Words I have/had problems with:

Nantooka = Many? Two?
Ichidai = One vehicle/machine
Nindaika = Many machines?
The above three words actually mean the same things, but different. Here's what my friend had to say:
"those are different counters. "nanbonka no hana" means "a number of flowers". so you're getting into the counters... fucking pain in the ass those are. there are different ways of counting small things, machines, different animals, long/thin things, books/magazines, clothes, socks, EVERYTHING. it BLOWS."
ni notte = Roughly translates as "to ride on a ~". "Ni" is a particle that's generally used like on or to, notte is the command form of "noru" which means to ride (and the command form is used in a lot more instances than just giving commands)
Some examples:"
densha ni noru" = take/ride on a train
"takushii ni noru" = take a taxi
"jintensha ni noru" = ride a bike
"uma ni noru" = ride a horse
Suwatte = Sit/Sitting

Unit 1, Lesson 6

ootobai = Motorcycle (autobike).
onnanoko ga hitori uma notte imasu - One girl riding a horse
otokonohito ga futari uma ni notte imasu - Two men riding horses
otokonohito ga hitori ootobai ni notte imasu - One man riding? the motorcycle
otokonoko ga futari tobikonde imasu - Two boys jumping in

yonin = four people. yonko = four objects?
onnanoko ga hitori tobiorite imasu - One girl jumping off
onnanoko ga futari tobiorite imasu - Twi girls jumping off
yonin no kodomo tachi - Four children (yonin (4) kodomo-tachi (children))
yonko no booru - Four balls

Bangoo (or bangou) = Number or series of digits
Bangoo wa san desu - The number 3
bangoo wa yon desu - The number 4
bangoo wa ichi desu - The number 1
bangoo wa ni desu - The number 2
bangoo wa go desu - The number 5
bangoo wa roku desu - The number 6

jikoku = instant/time/moment.
jikoku wa niji desu - The time is 2 (o clock)
jikoku wa yoji desu - The time is 4
jikoku wa rokuji desu - The time is 6
jikoku wa sanji desu - The time is 3

mada = window. mittsu = three (objects?)
hitotsu no mado - One window
mittsu no mado - Three windows
yottsu no mado - Four windows
itsutsu no mado - Five windows

ichimai = one thin/flat object/one sheet. sara = plate/dish
ichimai no aoi sara - One blue plate
ichimai no kiiroi sara - One yellow plate
sara ga nimai arimasu. ichimai wa kiiro kute, ichimai wa aoi desu - Two plates. One is yellow, one is blue.
sara ga sammai arimasu. ichimai wa orenjiiro de, ichimai wa ao kute, ichimai wa kiiroi desu - Three plates. One is orange, one is blue, one is yellow.
ichimai no sara - One plate
nimai no sara - Two plates
sammai no sara - Three plates
juumai no sara - Four plates

juppon = ten (long cylindrical things). Yupi = fingers
juppon no yubi - Ten fingers
juugohon no yubi - Fifteen fingers
nijuppon no yubi - Twenty fingers
sanjuppon no yubi - Thirty fingers

jikoku wa yoji desu - The time is 4
jikoku wa goji desu - The time is 5
jikoku wa rokuji desu - The time is 6
jikoku wa shichiji desu - The time is 7

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Some badly drawn kanji


Unit 1 Lessons 1-3

Unit 1, Lesson 1 (What I think they mean?)

onnanoko - girl
otokonoko - boy
inu - dog
neko - cat
kuruma - car
hikooki - plane
otokonohito - man
onnanohito - woman
booru - ball
uma - horse
zoo - elephant
neko to kuruma - cat and car
onnanoko to onnanohito - younger/older women
otokonohito to onnanohito - man and woman
otokonohito to otokonoko - Man and boy
otokonoko to inu - boy and dog
otokonoko to hikooki - boy and plane
onnanoko to uma - girl and horse
onnanoko to inu - girl and dog
uma ni notte iru onnanoko - girl on a horse
uma ni notte iru otokonohito - man on a horse
otokonoko no ue ni aru booru - Ball on top of a boy
uma ni notte iru otokonoko - boy on a horse
hikooki no shita ni iru otokonoko - boy under a plane (plane above a boy?)
booru no shita ni iru otokonoko - boy under a ball (ball above a boy?)
teeburu no shita ni iru otokonoko - boy under a table (table above a boy?)
hikooki no ue ni iru otokonoko - boy on a plane
teeburu no ue ni iru otokonoko - boy on a table
kuruma no naka ni iru onnanoko - girl in a car
kuruma no naka ni iru onnanohito - woman in a car
kuruma no naka ni iru otokonoko - boy in a car
booto no naka ni iru otokonoko to onnanoko - boy and girl in a boat
hikooki no naka ni iru otokonoko - boy in a plane

Unit 1, lesson 2 (What I think they mean)

(Imasu = polite/formal sentence ender, means the same as "iru")
otokonoko wa tonde imasu - The boy is jumping/flying. (tobu means both, but there are different kanji for jump and fly)
uma wa tobikoete imasu - The horse is jumping over (tobikoete is a composite verb made up of tobu and koeru)
onnanoko wa tobiorite imasu - The girl is jumping off (another composite verb of Toby and Oriru)
inu wa tobikoete imasu - The dog is jumping over.

(Hashitte = run)
otokonoko wa hashitte imasu - The boy is running
onnanohito wa hashitte imasu - The woman is running.
onnanoko wa hashitte imasu - The girl is running.
uma wa hashitte imasu - The horse is running
onnanohito wa tonde imasu - The woman is jumping/flying
onnanoko tachi wa hashitte imasu - The girls are running (the suffix "-tachi" makes the proper noun before it plural)
onnanoko tachi wa tobiorite imasu - The girls are jumping off
onnanoko tachi wa aruite imasu - The girls are walking
onnanoko tachi wa hashitte imasu - The girls are running
otokonoko wa tonde imasu - The boy is jumping
otokonoka wa aruite imasu - The boy is walking
otokonohito to onnanohito wa aruite imasu - The man/men and woman/women are walking (No plurals in Japanese! It can be confusing)
otokonohito to onnanohito wa odotte imasu - The man/men and woman/women are dancing
onnanohito wa aruite imasu - The woman is walking
onnanohito wa odotte imasu - The woman is dancing
otokonohito wa hon o yonde imasu - The man is reading a book
onnanohito wa hon o yonde imasu - The woman is reading a book
otokonohito wa odotte imasu - The man is dancing
onnanohito wa tonde imasu - The woman is jumping/flying
otokonohito wa otokonoko o oikakete imasu - The man is following/chasing the boy (oikaker = follow or chase)
otokonohito wa suberi ochite imasu - The man is slipping down (this can be used for skiing/snowboarding or going down a slide and whatnot)
otokonoko wa koronde imasu - The boy is tripping/falling
onnanoko tachi wa otokonoko o oikakete imasu - The girls are following/chasing the boy
hikooki wa tonde imasu - The plane is flying
otokonohito wa hashitte imasu - The man is running
otokonohito wa tonde imasu - The man is jumping/flying
otokonohito wa suberi ochite imasu - The man is slipping down

(oyoide = swim)
onnanohito wa oyoide imasu - The woman is swimming
otokonoko wa oyoide imasu - The boy is swimming
sakana wa oyoide imasu - The fish is swimming (Sakana = Fish)
tori wa tonde imasu - The bird is flying (Tori = Bird)
oushi wa hashitte imasu - The cow(?) is running (ushi = cow, oushi may be an effeminate version)
tori wa oyoide imasu - The bird is swimming.

Odotte = Dance, base form is "odoru"
Aruite = Walk, base form is "Aruku"
Hon o Yonde = Read a book (hon=book)
tonde = Jump or fly are pronounced the same, but different kanji are used
koronde = to trip or fall, base form is "korobu"
oikakete = Follow or Chase
hashitte = Sprint or run, base form is "hashiru"
tobiorite = Jump off. From "Tobu" and "oririru"
tobikoete = Jump over. "Tobu" and "Koeru"

Unit 1, Lesson 3

sakana wa shiroi desu - a white fish
kuruma wa shiroi desu - a white car
kuruma wa akai desu - a red car
tori wa akai desu - a red bird
hikooki wa shiroi desu - a white plane
hikooki wa kiiroi desu - a yellow plane
kuruma wa kiiroi desu - a yellow car
kuruma wa aoi desu - a blue car
neko wa kuroi desu - a black cat
kuruma wa kuroi desu - a black car
kiiroi kuruma wa furui desu - an old car that is yellow
pinku no kuruma wa furui desu - an old car that is pink
aoi kuruma wa atarashii desu - a new car that is blue
akai kuruma wa atarashii desu - a new car that is red
furui kuruma - old car
atarashii kuruma - new car
furui ie - old house
atarashii ie - new house
toshio totta onnanohito - elderly (?) woman
wakai onnanohito - young woman
toshio totta otokonohito - elderly (?) man
wakai otokonohito - young man
toshio totta onnanohito wa kami ga shiroi desu - an elderly woman with white hair
onnanoko wa kami ga kuroi desu - a girl with black hair
otokonohito wa kami ga aoi desu - a man with blue hair
otokonohito wa kami ga akai desu - a man with red hair
onnanohito wa kami ga nagai desu - a woman with long hair
otokonohito wa kami ga nagai desu - a man with long hair
onnanohito wa kami ga mijikai desu - a woman with short hair
otokonohito wa kami ga totemo mijikai desu - a man with very short hair.

Mijikai = Short
Nagai = Long
totemo mijikai = very/exceedingly short
kami = hair