Friday, February 29, 2008


Wanted to just update this quickly so anyone who comes here knows that I have more updates on the way. I've stopped doing new lessons to go back and memorize everything perfectly, and will continue more lessons when I'm more comfortable.

Also, with my grandfather's death this week, my mind's a So, I'll be sandbagging it for a few days until I screw my head on straight again.


Anna said...

I'm sorry about your grandfather, you have my sympathies.

I just wanted to say that your posts on Japanese have really helped me. I'm trying to learn Japanese as well and was encouraged to know that someone had information that could help me. So, thanks and I hope you update soon.

Khiras said...

You may want to look into a book called Minna no Nihongo I as well. I'm using a variety of sources, including that and Rosetta Stone. Between those two (get the book if you can't afford Rosetta Stone), you should be able to pick up a lot of the grammar you'll need, or so I'm told. I'll be adding more updates here soon.

Anna said...

I'm actually doing Rosette Stone, but I'll look into the book, too. Okay, no rush, it'll still be a bit before I need more help, you update when you can.